Boost Your Mood: My Secret to Transforming a Bad Day

I had a crappy week recently. On the Friday evening of that week, I went to jujitsu class, and while driving home, I noticed I was happy. What happened? How did I turn things around? I noticed two things that helped me go from hating life to being happy. I am not saying it is a guarantee that these two things will work for you, but I think they are worth your consideration when you are glum.

Physical Activity

As mentioned on this blog numerous times, I hate exercise. However, I was able to move in fun ways and learn how to defend myself. It is a great way to get exercise. My initial thoughts upon realizing jujitsu class made me happy was that it was the physical movement and endorphins created by the exercise that made me happy. However, while effective, physicality can only go so far. There is another crucial element.


I was not alone while working on jujitsu. I was with other people. I noticed something about the people in my jujitsu class that night. They are good people. I felt encouraged and welcomed into a community. I have come to realize I am an introvert who needs community. Yes, I like my recharge time, but constantly being alone drains my mood. I need to see people and be around people.

In Conclusion…

There are two things that turned my mood around at the end of that crappy week. Both the physical activity and the community in jujitsu bring me joy. So, when in a rotten mood yourself, what do you need to turn things around? I suggest investing time into physical activity and people.

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