The ADHD Brain: Knowing When to Wing It and When to Plan Ahead

The ADHD brain likes to wing it. This can be a strength, but there are also times where this can bite us in the butt. Therefore, it is important to know when something can be improvised or when something should be planned out in advance. I have complied a list of when it is appropriate to wing it and when it is better to go in with a plan.

When to Wing It

On the Improv Stage

Whether you perform improv on a stage like me or if you join me for a Zoom improv playdate, you need to wing it. Planning to be funny rarely works. The best improvisers just simply react in the moment.

On a Date

I have learned little about dating in my life. It is still a mystery to me on how to do it well. However, one thing I have learned is that what you do on a date is not super important. The point of a date is not the activity. It is about getting to know someone. The only way to do that is to talk. If your date activity facilitates conversation, it is a good one. Don’t overthink the activity. Moreover, you don’t want to overthink the conversation. I have tried to plan out conversations in advance, but they have never gone as planned. Wing it on a date.

Vacation Activities

For the most part, I enjoy going on vacation with no plan. I like to explore cities. Granted, there are some things that necessitate planning. For the most part, though, it can be exciting to wing it on vacation. If you are held to a strict schedule on vacation, you may be stressed out by the need to follow it or if something comes up that was not anticipated.

Spending Time with Friends

The most fun I have had with friends is when there is no agenda. We are free to do whatever. The belief that we have to have something to do can prevent me (and possibly others) from actually reaching out to friends to spend time together. Consider this your permission to make it up as you go in social situations.

Art/Creative Endeavors

If you are engaging in a creative work, try winging it. I know if I spend a bunch of time outlining before I start writing, the project loses its fun. I like to improvise what I write. Planning prevents doing. Just let your paintbrush hit the canvas or allow the words to flow. Be creative; don’t stifle your creativity by planning.

When Not to Wing It


Decide what to eat before you are hungry. One of my struggles lately has been making impulsive food decisions that are unhealthy. I feel like, if I were to plan my meals more in advance, I would be eating healthier meals. When meal planning is left to the last minute, impulsivity takes over and an unhealthy choice is made.


Exercise needs to be scheduled. If you think, “Oh, I’ll have time for that later,” you probably won’t get your exercise done. Later never comes. It is always now. Put it on your schedule and do not let anything get in the way of your exercise time.


Sleep is a necessary part of life. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If there is no plan to ensure that happens, you will be winging it. That can lead to all sorts of behavior that puts off sleep. By putting it off, you typically are preventing yourself from getting enough sleep. If you stay up late, the alarm is still going to ring at the same time tomorrow. So, make a plan for when you will start winding down and get into bed.


Taking care of yourself is of high priority, and you need to choose when you will do it. Self-care is not something to do when you have a second. It needs to be prioritized so that you can have the bandwidth to get everything else done.

Pet Care

Pets are creatures of habits. They like their routines. Deviating from that routine can lead to misbehavior from your pets. This is especially true if you are trying to potty train a dog. Furthermore, if you are traveling, plan ahead and find someone to take care of your pets while you are away. Scrambling at the last minute to find a pet-sitter is no fun and increases stress. If traveling during the summer, plan out even further ahead, so you can ensure your pet is taken care of by someone you trust. With many people traveling over the summer, it is imperative that you find quality pet care ahead of time. Have a plan when it comes to your pets. Do not wing it.

The Above Lists Are Incomplete

There is nothing complete about the lists I created above. There are more areas where it is appropriate to wing it, and there are more areas where things should be planned. What else can you think of that needs to be improvised or planned? Take some time to figure out where you can be spontaneous and where you need to be rigid. It may look different for you than what it does for me.

Book a FREE Reset ADHD session and let’s see how to complete your personal list.


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