Mindfulness and ADHD: Finding Your Calm

Life can be hectic, and it is especially so when one has ADHD. As one manages one’s day-to-day life, all sorts of stressors pop up, which taxes one’s executive functions and other mental faculties. When the stress builds up, it is imperative to destress and find calm. Doing so may seem complicated, but we often forget the simple things that can help bring a sense of calm and relaxation to our lives. Here are a few tips that can help you relax and cultivate calm in your life.


I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but one must breathe. When we do not intentionally breathe, we can find ourselves on autopilot. When on autopilot, breathing can become stunted. We might even find ourselves holding our breath for no apparent reason. This is why it is good practice to intentionally notice one’s breath and take deep breaths when necessary. Sometimes, taking deep breaths when it is not necessary can be a great way to relax and get in the right frame of mind. If you have an Apple Watch, you have an app that will walk you through breathing exercises.

Walk (or Otherwise Move)

One way I like to clear my head is by taking a walk. Walking (or another form of movement) can help you shake off stress. One little tip I have for taking a walk is to go without headphones. When you listen to music, an audiobook, or a podcast on your walk, your mind can get wrapped up in that and the brain clearing power of the walk can be spoiled. Once I began to walk my dog without music, I began to enjoy my walks more. I had the freedom to notice things around me, and on beautiful weather days, I can enjoy the weather more. A great weather day affects my mood in a positive way. In short, walks have magical powers for me. What can they (or another form of movement) do for you?

Say No

One of the best ways to reduce stress in one’s life is to say no to things that do not serve you. By setting boundaries and saying no, you can create a more relaxed state of mind. You will not be worrying about how awful that thing you are dreading will be, and you will have more mental energy for the things that give you life.

Have Fun

The final tip I have is to have fun. Now, that may seem odd when you have a bunch of stuff that needs to get done. How can you deal with the stress of everyday life when you are having fun? Isn’t that just escapism? It can deteriorate into that. However, a healthy life contains a balance between getting stuff done and having fun. Too much work can destroy one’s mood. A bad mood can hurt one’s productivity. Therefore, if you take the time to have fun and play, you will be better able to accomplish all that needs doing. So, protecting your downtime is going to be a great tool, not only for finding your calm, but also for your productivity.


ADHD Awareness Month Wrap Up


The Link Between ADHD and Mental Health: Navigating Co-Existing Conditions