Embarking on a New Exercise Journey

I have a bad relationship with exercise. I get movement in, but my heart rate does not get up very high. I am gaining weight, and my clothes are beginning to become uncomfortably tight. I have known this for a while now, but I have procrastinated doing something about it. Part of why I haven’t done anything yet is not knowing what is going to help me. I hate exercise, and I don’t see any way for that to change. This means I won’t be motivated to work hard. I need someone to ensure I am working hard. This led me down the path of exploring personal trainers. However, my previous work with a personal trainer was less than effective. We only met once a week, only worked on strength training, and did not make any sustaining gains/changes. I needed something different. My inquiry to one local personal trainer went unanswered, and I continued to procrastinate. This led me to explore something I did not think would be helpful – a virtual personal trainer.

Why I Am Feeling Confident about This Plan

I will not be revealing the name of the company I am trying out because I do not want this to seem like an endorsement or a criticism of this company. I want to keep things neutral. I do not know if this will work or not, so I am withholding specific details. If all goes well, I might reveal the company I am giving my money to, but as of right now, they will remain anonymous.

So Far, I Am Impressed

It does not seem like I am getting a cookie-cutter program. Granted, I have not received my workout plan from my trainer yet, but in our first meeting (yes, I actually get to talk to him), he made it seem like he was designing something specifically for me. Moreover, this company’s app pairs with my Apple Watch and can tell how hard I am working. This means, if I slack off, my trainer will know. Furthermore, I get to have open communication with my trainer. He can send me messages, and I can send him messages at any time. I hope this will keep me honest.


If there is anything I have learned about myself in my work as an ADHD coach, I have learned that I work better with partners. If I try to work alone, very little happens.

To keep me moving on my marketing and business growth goals, I work with a mentor coach and a mastermind group. My mentor coach also helps me grow as a coach, ensuring I am not just going through the motions when I am coaching my clients. We just had a conversation about how I could be a better coach for a specific client. My mastermind group requires that I come up with a success and challenge each week. This ensures I do something to report back to the group.

Another area where I have a partner is YouTube. I want to produce videos that help the ADHD community and promotes my business, and I want to produce videos regularly. If you look at Reset ADHD’s YouTube page, it is clear that I do not produce videos regularly. This is why I launched my other YouTube channel, ADHD Skills with Jess and Alex. Jess, my YouTube partner, and I have an agreement to make a video at least once per month. This has ensured that I get my face out there on YouTube on the regular.

This partnership plan is one of the reasons I am feeling confident about working with a trainer. We are partners in my health goals. After we get going on my exercise routine, we will discuss my diet which has fallen victim to the temptation of DoorDash. Working with my trainer will help me stay on top of my physical health. He is my partner in my health goals.

It Is Something Different

As someone with ADHD, I know I will need something new and exciting to engage my brain. Working with a virtual trainer is something I have never done before, so it is novel. It is exciting, and I am kind of looking forward to getting started. I mean, it is still exercise, so there will be some resistance because I hate exercise. However, if my workout routines get switched up every once in a while, it is more likely that I will be engaged. Part of the problem with my current workout routine is I do the same thing every time I exercise. I hop on the exercise bike and that’s pretty much it. Blah! It is time for something different.

In Conclusion…

This new exercise journey has some structure in place to help me stay on top of things. I hope to stick with it and make some gains. I am not alone on this journey, and that is why I am confident heading into this new adventure. I hope to keep you updated.

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