Should ADHDers Take Naps?

If you have followed this blog for any period of time, you may have noticed my passion for sleep. Getting plenty of sleep is crazy important. In short, if you are looking to step up your ADHD management game, try getting more sleep. There are plenty of posts on my blog that go into how to get a good night’s sleep.

However, followers of my blog may have noticed a glaring omission in all of my writings on sleep. There is one aspect of sleep about which I have not written. That topic is naps. Why have I not written much about it? The short answer is there are not a lot of definitive answers out there on the subject of naps. That has left me confused on the topic. Are human beings meant to take naps? Are naps good for you? If they are, how long should one nap? I do not have answers to those questions. I only have one bit of insight on naps.

The One Valuable Thing I Have Heard about Naps

The best thing I can tell you about naps and whether or not one should take a nap is this: It depends. If you can take a nap during the day and have it not affect your sleep at night, then go ahead and take a nap. However, if you take a nap during the day and it makes it hard to fall asleep at night, do not take naps.

Other Things to Consider

  • Do you have time for a nap? Some people just do not have the time to take a nap during the day, and therefore it is not an option.

  • How long does it take you to fall asleep? If it takes you a while to fall asleep, most of your “nap time” will be spent trying to fall asleep.

  • Sleeping when it is dark is best. Sleep is more restorative when it is dark out. It is harder to fall asleep in a brightly lit room.

Do You Take Naps, Alex?

Yeah, sometimes. I am not an everyday napper, but when I am sufficiently tired and have the time, I will take a nap. Part of my job description is to take care of myself. That involves plenty of sleep.

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