Today’s blog post has to do with scheduling. Don’t run away yet! This blog makes the case for scheduling everything. It is truly helpful, and if you are not scheduling your to-do list items, this blog post will help explain why you should give it a shot.

If It Is Not Scheduled, It Won’t Happen

I have a section on my weekly planning worksheet that says “Misc.” This is where to-do list items go when I do not have a specific day or time to do them. I might as well label this section, “Things I Am Not Going to Do.” Rarely do I do anything in that section. The bottom line is this: If I don’t schedule it, it’s not going to happen.

If you find yourself intending to do something but never actually doing it, try scheduling it. Putting a date and/or time on it makes it so much more likely to happen. Block it off on your calendar and do it.

Write It Down

If I merely think I am going to do something Tuesday at 4:30, I may or may not do it. However, writing it down solidifies it in an external memory drive. I am not relying on my memory to remember to do it. As we know, those of us with ADHD have memory issues. Remembering is so much easier when you externalize it.

If It Is Not in Your Calendar, It Does Not Exist

Similar to the section above, you are more likely to remember something if you put it in your calendar. Yes, a calendar can seem restricting, but it really helps to schedule when you are going to do a thing. This is true with social engagements as well as work commitments. If it is not in your calendar, you are once again relying on your memory to remember to do the thing. Save yourself from forgetting, and put it in your calendar. Don’t have a calendar? Find one that works for you and put it in there.

Find What Works for You

The above suggestions are guidelines. There are some people who have fantastic memories and do not need to write things down, but if you have ADHD, it is highly unlikely that you are one of those people. However, there are multiple planners, calendars, schedules, etc. out there. Find the system that works for you and adopt it. If you need help setting up a scheduling system that works for you, a coach can be helpful.

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