Getting Out of Planning Mode and Into Action

I love planning. There is something about coming up with a grand plan that excites me. I get to flex my analytical muscles and design something incredible. However, I often find myself not getting into action and following through with my elaborate plans. This is mostly because I love the planning stage. The action phase is not as exciting to my ADHD brain. It has been a challenge for me to stop planning and start doing. Here are a few tips that have helped me.

Setting a Limit to Planning

Planning something is great. Too much planning is not. One way to ensure the planning eventually ends and the action starts is to set a limit on your planning. Pick an amount of time that you feel is acceptable to plan, and do not allow yourself to plan past that time. Once that time is up, start doing the thing.

Don’t Go It Alone

One way to increase the likelihood of taking action is to get someone involved in the process. If you merely tell someone your plans to do Task X, it is more likely you will do it. The other person acts as a sort of accountability partner. Knowing they know what you intend to do will create social pressure to do it.

Moreover, you could utilize the aid of a body double. This is a person who sits with you as you do the task at hand. Usually, they have a task to do as well, and you keep each other on task.

Examine the Plan

Sometimes, it is the plan itself that is getting in the way. If you are stuck in planning mode and cannot get into action, examine your plan. What about the plan is preventing you from getting into action? Have you figured out all of the steps? Are the steps broken down into bite-sized pieces? Does the plan help with the overwhelm of doing the task or add to it?


There is no magic switch that you can flip and instantly get into action. You have to do it. However, you can break down motivational blocks and get started. One way is just to tell yourself to do the first tiny step. Doing one little part of it gets you into action and makes doing the rest of it seem a little easier. Another way to help get started is to hire a coach. A coach is a great source of accountability and structure. They can help you identify what is getting in your way and how to get around it.

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