What Is an ADHD Coach?

Almost every time I tell someone what I do for a living, I have to explain what an ADHD coach is. Not many people know that what I do is a job that exists. I am sure there are also many people who have heard of ADHD coaching but are not sure what an ADHD coach actually does. This necessitates an explanation of what an ADHD coach is and what they do. I hope you will find my explanation useful and/or helpful.

A Life Coach Specializing in ADHD

The simplest way to describe an ADHD coach is to say they are a life coach specializing in ADHD. This, of course, does not say much because it conjures up many incorrect pictures of what a life coach specializing in ADHD might be. If you think of a life coach as someone who helps you identify what you want out of life and action plans to achieve those goals, you are getting a better picture of what a life coach does. However, a general life coach does not have the expertise in dealing with ADHD brains a trained ADHD coach has. An ADHD coach is able to look at the life circumstances of someone with ADHD and how ADHD is at work in their life. By knowing more about their own uniquely wired brain, the coaching client is better able to design action plans that will work for them. This is why it is important to find an ADHD coach who has training in ADHD.

Powerful Questions

A misconception about ADHD coaching is that a coach will come in and tell you what to do. That is not coaching; that is more along the lines of consulting. A good coach will ask powerful questions that get at who you want to be and what strengths-based strategies will help you reach your goals.

Yes, an ADHD coach knows a lot about ADHD and has experience helping those with ADHD, but what they do not have experience in is working with someone like you. Everyone is unique and will require a unique ADHD-management strategy.

Helps You Work with Your Brain, Not Against It

One of my favorite ways to describe what I do is: I help people work with their brains, not against them. Each brain (and especially each ADHD brain) is wired uniquely. This means that what works for one person with ADHD may or may not work for another person with ADHD. In short, each person with ADHD needs to find what works best for them. An ADHD coach will invite you to explore how your brain works best and encourage you to experiment with strategies that work with your brain’s natural processing and operating styles. Using these strengths-based strategies will help you achieve your goals.

Interested in ADHD Coaching?

If any of the above resonated with you, then maybe it is time to get an ADHD coach. I am more than willing to take you on as a client, but I would also like to point out that finding the right ADHD coach is important. It must be a good fit for your coach and you. That is why many coaches will offer a free introductory session, to see if it will be a good fit. I offer what I call a Free Coaching Sample to my potential clients before I take them on as a client. This gives the potential client a taste of what coaching is like and gives both of us a chance to see if it is a good fit or not.

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