What to Do While Climbing Your Mountain

Whether you are managing ADHD or fighting some other battle, you can sometimes feel like you are climbing a mountain. Climbing a mountain is daunting and takes hard work, as does battling ADHD. If you are on a mountain, there are some things you should know.

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Advice, Coaching, Exercise, Medication, Productivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Coaching, Exercise, Medication, Productivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

Is My ADHD Treatment Plan Working?

One thing that I have always struggled with is: What is normal? What is it like to not have ADHD? I am always going to have some level of distractibility. Even non-ADHDers do. So, where should I be? When it comes to treating and managing ADHD, am I where I should be? Do I need to be doing more? Do I need to up the dosage of my medication? Do I need to switch medications? Do I need more coping skills? Do I have non-ADHD issues getting in the way of managing my ADHD?

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Coaching, Information, Positivity, Stories Evelyn Gallagher Coaching, Information, Positivity, Stories Evelyn Gallagher

Why I Love Being an ADHD Coach

I am an introvert. Small talk is the worst. Meeting new people is excruciating. However, ever since I have started this job, meeting new people has become easier. Instead of feeling nervous about what to say, I yearn to be asked what I do for a living because I love talking about ADHD and my job. I have found that meeting someone I have never met for coaching does not give me the same uncomfortable uneasiness it once did. I find it exciting now.

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It Is Okay to Ask for Help!

Our culture places individual achievement on a high pedestal. Those one-man armies are revered for their accomplishments, but oftentimes, what you do not hear about is all of those who have helped those people get where they are. The phrase “no man is an island” is old but still very much true.

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