The Fool-Proof Method for Packing for a Trip

The forgetfulness that comes along with ADHD can make traveling difficult. I used to resign myself to the fact that I would forget at least one thing on every trip. One day, though, I got frustrated with always forgetting something. I knew I needed a better system. I tried lists, but that only took me so far. Something was missing. Then I stumbled upon a game-changing system. I have been using it ever since.

1.) Get a Legal Pad or a Notebook

I tried a digital list, but for various reasons that did not work for me. I even downloaded an app that was designed for packing for a trip. Still, I found digital lists ineffective. I use a legal pad for my packing lists nowadays, but a dedicated notebook will do the trick as well. As I have said many times in previous blog posts, find what works for you.

2.) Write Down Everything You Need

Think about where you are going and what you will be doing. Include every possible thing imaginable. Remember that you have the ability to override your list and say, “I don’t actually need that.”

PRO-TIP: Use boxes next to each item on your list. That way, you can put a checkmark next to each item as you pack it.

The first time you do create a packing list, you will be guessing. However, due to the nature of my system, it will get more effective each time you use it.

3.) Use Your List to Pack

Gather everything on your list and put it in your luggage. If you have a box next to each item, check it off once it is in your luggage. I recommend keeping your list near your luggage. There are some things that can only be packed the day of and not the day before (e.g. toiletries, CPAP machines, chargers, etc.). When everything is packed and you have a completely checked-off list, you can leave the house with peace of mind.

4.) Save Your Packing List

Don’t throw away your list! Save it. See why below.

This is why I use a legal pad. I get to keep all of my lists. A notebook accomplishes the same objective.

5.) Use Previous Packing Lists When Packing for Your Next Trip

The next time you go on a trip, use previous lists to inform your current list. As of right now, my legal pad has lists going back to 2019. This gives me many different trips to inform future lists. There are some lists that better inform my next list than others. If I am driving to Minneapolis for a weekend of fun, my packing list will look different than if I was flying to a conference.

BONUS.) Put Things You Need to Do on Your List

When traveling by plane, I always add “Download stuff to iPad” to my list because I will want entertainment on the plane. If I am driving, I cannot watch something on my iPad. When I have someone sitter coming to my house to take care of my dog, I have instructions printed out that need to go on the kitchen counter before I leave. That, too, goes on the list.

In Conclusion…

Always be learning! What you do once can inform what you do next time.

I hope this helps.

Travel safely!

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