5 Ways to Strengthen Your Patience Muscle

Patience is a muscle. It needs to be strengthened for it to work properly. In short, we learn to be patient by embracing those situations where patience is required of us. Instead of stewing in impatience, embrace the opportunity to practice patience. Here are 5 ways to do so.

1.) Stay in One Lane While Driving

I have a tendency to make lane changes frequently while driving. When the car in front of me is moving too slow, I switch lanes and speed up. Staying in the slow lane will help you grow in patience.

2.) Let Someone in Front of You in Line

Ever arrived at the checkout line in a store around the same time as someone else. There is that awkward moment where you have to decide who is going to be first in line. In that moment, let the other person go first. You could even play the ultimate nice-person move and let the person who is behind you in line move up into your place in line.

3.) Never Ever Pay Extra for Faster Shipping

When buying something online, always go with the slowest shipping speed. Not only will you save money, but you will also increase your patience. Amazon’s rapid shipping speed does not help here, but they will sometimes give you a bonus for waiting an extra day for your stuff.

4.) Stop Buying Digital Downloads

If you want that new video game, do not download it immediately. Go to a store and buy a physical copy. Better yet, order a physical copy online, so you have to wait days for it to arrive. This also applies to other purchases. Buy a physical book rather getting the Kindle version.

5.) Get a Dog

Owning a dog is very rewarding. However, they do require patience to train. I have two dogs, and they test my patience daily. However, owning them has made me a more patient person. There is no better way to practice patience than standing out in the South Dakota winter waiting for your dog to pee.

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