Crime, Impulsivity, Information, Rants, The Weekly Reset, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Crime, Impulsivity, Information, Rants, The Weekly Reset, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

The Importance of ADHD Awareness in the Criminal Justice System

Crime and ADHD are sadly linked. However, it does not have to be this way. There is a way to end the ADHD-to-prison pipeline. If we address ADHD in the criminal justice system and in the rest of the world, we can reduce crime and create more positive outcomes for those with ADHD.

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5 Productivity Tips for Fighting Off Distractions

I write this on the day the round of 64 begins for the NCAA basketball tournament. I am wondering how I will stay focused when all of these exciting basketball games are going on. Not all of my readers are college basketball fans, but all of us are fans of something. It can be a challenge to stay focused and productive when there is something exciting happening in the world. Heck, it is hard to stay focused when there is something terrible going on. You may be distracted by the NCAA tournament, or you may be distracted by the war in Ukraine. Whatever is going on, society, school, your employer, etc. expects you to stay productive. So, what can be done when other things are vying for our attention?

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Yes And

I do not believe I have ever mentioned this on this blog, but I do improv. I get a suggestion and then make up a scene with another performer. I love it. Improv is one of the most fun things I have ever done. I believe everyone who tries improv can walk away with some skill that applies to their real life. If there is one thing you can learn from improv, it is to “yes and…”

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Impulsivity, Information, The Weekly Reset Evelyn Gallagher Impulsivity, Information, The Weekly Reset Evelyn Gallagher

The Trouble with Impulsivity

The filter that tells you not to say something stupid, mean, or unnecessary does not operate as well when you have ADHD. This leads to saying something you later regret. I remember one time in the 7th grade, I was desperately looking for my homework from the night before. I was digging through my folder, trying to find it. My teacher was talking about the assignment, and I could tell it was getting close to where I needed to prove I had done it. Finally, my teacher reminded us that we should have just left it in our notebook, and I shouted, “Oh, that’s where I put it!”

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The Secret to Time Management

Everybody always shares the same old advice for time management. The three big ones are: Plan on more time than you think you need (approximately 1.5–2 times as much time as you think you need) to do a task, aim to be 15–30 minutes early for everything, and use timers/alarms/planners. You’d think after years of people saying these things that everyone would be so much better at time management, but they are not.

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