Who wants to go through life with every day being a grind? No one! Who wants any part of life to be a grind? No one! So, why, then, do we do things we find to be a grind? Because we let the things we do become a grind. Everyone has things in their life that are a grind. However, we do not simply have to accept these things as a grind. We can find a way to gamify these tasks and make them fun.

Games = Interest

The key reason to make tasks that are a grind a game is to create interest in doing them. Finding a way to make our daily grind fun and playful will cause us to want to do them. Interest give us the desire we need to get things done. We ADHDers can struggle with finding the interest to do boring tasks. Play is interesting to our brains. So, by finding a way to make what would otherwise be a grind playful, we will be more likely to do the things we need to do.


All games need rules. So, when creating games out of tasks that are a grind, set some rules and parameters for how the game will work. These rules do not need to be overly restrictive. If you ask a soccer play if not using their hands is overly restrictive, and they will tell you the opposite. Not using one’s hands is a unique challenge that adds to the appeal of soccer. Hockey players will say the same about the requirement to ice skate during their games. Make the rules of your game what you love about the game.

Who Is Playing?


Football has 11 players on a side. Basketball has 5. Hockey has 6. How many players will participate in your game? Yes, these games will often be solo games, but you do not have to go it alone. People can golf alone, but they most often do it with other people. Other people can make the game more interesting and competitive. When creating games, define who all is playing with you or who can play with you.

Duration and Frequency

Most games are not continuous. Games have a start and an end. Then, after a sufficient break, the game begins a new. How long will you play your game? How often does a new game start? These are questions to ask when designing the perfect game to get you from “I don’t wanna!” to “OOH! Let’s play!”


Football is played on grass. Basketball is played on wood (at least in higher levels of competition). Hockey is played on ice. However, all of these games can be played indoors and outdoors. All of these games are games that can be played in huge stadiums in front of thousands of spectators or in the privacy of one’s own home or neighborhood. All of these settings add a unique appeal to the game being played. Where is your game going to be played? Who gets to witness this game?

Level of Challenge

Select Level Of Difficulty - Eminem.gif

Most sports are played by little kids, slightly bigger kids, big kids, adolescents, and adults. Each game in one of these sports has different level of difficulty. Games can have different levels of difficulty depending on with whom you are competing or the challenges set. When you play your game, find a way to adjust its difficulty. The more you play it, the more difficult it will need to be in order for it to be fun. Your game will need to be easy enough for you to be able to win, but not so easy that you do not have to try very hard to win. Take the time to tweak your game to the right level of difficulty.

Scoring System

Games have different scoring systems. Games like soccer and hockey have a 1 point per goal system. Basketball has 1, 2, and 3 point shots. Football has ways of scoring that will earn you 1, 2, 3, or 6 points at a time. However, games do not need to be “scored” in that way. You could set up your game like a board game. You could come up with objectives that move you along in your game until you reach the end. In that case, you could try to get to the end before your opponents or try to beat your previous time to finish. Your game could be a pass/fail game. I don’t watch that show or read the books, but it is my understanding that, if you play The Game of Thrones, you either win or you die. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT YOU SET UP YOUR GAME WITH DEATHLY CONSEQUENCES FOR FAILURE; IT WAS THE ONLY EXAMPLE OF A PASS/FAIL GAME I COULD THINK OF QUICKLY. Find which way of achieving victory works best for you and your game.


A lot of games involve some sort of uniform. This can be to distinguish teams or because it is functional for the game. Your cleaning-the-house team could wear green uniforms, and your brother’s cleaning-the-house team could wear gray uniforms. Or, you might just need to wear certain clothes while you paint your house. I have also seen it suggested on the internet that parents can buy their child a superhero costume that their child can only wear while doing homework. I know I would have enjoyed my homework more if my mom had purchased me a Batsuit for homework time.

The Game Is Adjustable

Novelty is appealing to the ADHD brain. After awhile, your game might get boring, and you will need to change a few things to make it more interesting. Or, you game might get too easy. Making it harder will make it more difficult. Sometimes, you just need to move things in the way to make it more interesting. Jumping over furniture as you make your way from the laundry room to your closet might make the “laundry game” more fun. Tweak your game for maximum fun.

Today’s Reset ADHD Challenge:

Make a game out of an un-fun task



Escaping Bad Cycles


Intelligence and Undiagnosed ADHD