What to Do While Climbing Your Mountain

Whether you are managing ADHD or fighting some other battle, you can sometimes feel like you are climbing a mountain. Climbing a mountain is daunting and takes hard work, as does battling ADHD. If you are on a mountain, there are some things you should know.

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Coaching, Information, Positivity, Stories Evelyn Gallagher Coaching, Information, Positivity, Stories Evelyn Gallagher

Why I Love Being an ADHD Coach

I am an introvert. Small talk is the worst. Meeting new people is excruciating. However, ever since I have started this job, meeting new people has become easier. Instead of feeling nervous about what to say, I yearn to be asked what I do for a living because I love talking about ADHD and my job. I have found that meeting someone I have never met for coaching does not give me the same uncomfortable uneasiness it once did. I find it exciting now.

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Find the Right Environment

One of the best ways for a person with ADHD to stay focused and be productive is to carefully choose the environment in which they operate. What do you need to succeed in each setting for each situation? You might need one thing while working and another while reading a book. Here are some things to think about when deciding on your ideal environments.

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Advice, Getting Unstuck, Inspiration, Productivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Getting Unstuck, Inspiration, Productivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher


Those of us with ADHD defy the norm quite often. Our natural way of doing things works for us, but it is not the way everyone else does things. Because our natural abilities are so different, we get programmed at a young age to not do things the way that is easiest for us. We get pressured into doing things the way everyone else does. This is not good. It does not allow us to accomplish what we otherwise could because we are forced to things in the same manner as everyone else. We need to be free to live by our own owner’s manual.

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Winning with ADHD

There are plenty if times where those of us with ADHD do not win. ADHDers need wins, or life will get miserable. Not winning sucks.

SO….you’re probably wondering, “How does one start winning when ADHD makes life so hard?” Good question. Now, I normally give multiple pieces of advice or several steps of one piece of advice in my blogs, but to answer today’s question, I only need to say one thing…

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Escaping Bad Cycles

In the 1993 movie Groundhog Day, Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is stuck reliving the same day over and over again. This movie is hilarious, and I highly recommend it. However, it might cause some uneasy comparisons for some of us with ADHD. Sometimes, we can get stuck in a negative cycle of the same patterns or behaviors that do not serve us.

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Let's Play!

Who wants to go through life with every day being a grind? No one! Who wants any part of life to be a grind? No one! So, why, then, do we do things we find to be a grind? Because we let the things we do become a grind. Everyone has things in their life that are a grind. However, we do not simply have to accept these things as a grind. We can find a way to gamify these tasks and make them fun.

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Advice, Positivity, Productivity, Strategies, Tips Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Positivity, Productivity, Strategies, Tips Evelyn Gallagher

Feeling Less Than Productive? Do Something Different!


I write this while crouched like an owl on my chair, instead of sitting at my desk like a normal person. Why am I owling as I write this? Well, I am dealing with writer’s block, and I need to have a post ready to go by Monday at 10:45 AM. It is 11:45 AM on Friday currently, and I refuse to work on Sundays. So, as Daffy Duck says in Space Jam, “It’s gut check time.” Something needs to happen, and sometimes, if one wants something to happen, one must change what one is doing. Sometimes, changing things up can bring the focus needed to complete a project. Hence, owling…

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