Love Unscripted: Exploring the Dating Scene with ADHD

I started this blog in 2018, and I have been in and out of relationships during that time. I have not, however, talked about the dating process on this blog before. Dating is a tricky thing, and ADHD does not make things easier. It complicates the matter. So, let’s explore the dating process and ADHD a bit in this post.

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Transform Your Self-Talk: ADHD Coaching Techniques for Positive Change

One of the hardest parts about living with ADHD is dealing with the ramifications of when things go awry. We quite often find ourselves not where we want to be. This is frustrating and can lead to negative self-talk. This can quickly devolve into a harsh relationship with oneself. When we are constantly berating ourselves, we begin to internalize the messages we are receiving. How we break out of this vicious cycle is not easy and seems overly simplistic, but it can be done.

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Am I Overwhelmed?

The other day, I told my coach that I was overwhelmed with all the things I wanted to do. He got curious about what I was feeling and started exploring. Through his questions and observations, I came to realize I was not overwhelmed. I was just looking at things incorrectly. I needed to reframe how I was looking at all of the projects I have on my plate right now.

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How to Stay Productive When Life Gets Messy

Life can get hectic, crazy, and/or messy at times. Things can spiral out of control, and chaos can rule the day. However, the world doesn’t stop spinning when your life gets messy. You still need to be able to perform at work. Bills still need to be paid. And, your house needs to stay in order. As much as we would like life to slow down while we deal with our crap, it does not. So, what can we do when life is messy and troublesome?

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Making Peace with Your ADHD

Life with ADHD can be stressful. It leads to mental anguish, but that anguish can be overcome. It is possible to make peace with your ADHD. In this final week of ADHD awareness month, let’s explore some ways to make peace with your ADHD.

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