Advice, Movies, TV Shows, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Movies, TV Shows, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

What ADHDers Can Learn from the Klingon Empire

Confession time: I am a bit of a Trekkie. I have seen all of the Star Trek movies and every episode of every Star Trek TV show that has completed its run–The Original Series (TOS), The Next Generation (TNG), Deep Space 9 (DS9), Voyager (VOY), and Enterprise (ENT). I have come to greatly admire the Star Trek universe and all of the races and characters Gene Roddenberry and all who have worked on the various Star Trek projects that have been created over the years.

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Advice, Humor, Inspiration, Movies, Positivity, Stories, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Humor, Inspiration, Movies, Positivity, Stories, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

What ADHDers Can Learn from The Princess Bride

The cult classic The Princess Bride is one of the greatest films of all time. I will not take any arguments on that point. “Anyone who tells you differently is selling something,” as Wesley says. Not only is this movie hilarious, but it also teaches us some lessons I think are particularly relevant for those of us with ADHD.

Yes, there are spoilers in this post, so if you haven’t seen The Princess Bride, GO WATCH IT NOW. Then, come back and read this.

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What ADHDers Can Learn from Good Will Hunting

One of my favorite movies is Good Will Hunting. It is a movie I first watched during a difficult time in my life, and it is one I return to in times of great trial or transition. I feel there are many life lessons that can be learned from this movie, and I especially feel that ADHDers can learn from this film. If you have not seen it, I recommend you watch it because it is a good movie and this blog post will make more sense if you have seen it.

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