Advice, Positivity, Productivity, Strategies, Tips Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Positivity, Productivity, Strategies, Tips Evelyn Gallagher

Feeling Less Than Productive? Do Something Different!


I write this while crouched like an owl on my chair, instead of sitting at my desk like a normal person. Why am I owling as I write this? Well, I am dealing with writer’s block, and I need to have a post ready to go by Monday at 10:45 AM. It is 11:45 AM on Friday currently, and I refuse to work on Sundays. So, as Daffy Duck says in Space Jam, “It’s gut check time.” Something needs to happen, and sometimes, if one wants something to happen, one must change what one is doing. Sometimes, changing things up can bring the focus needed to complete a project. Hence, owling…

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Advice, Productivity, Strategies, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Productivity, Strategies, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

Good Is Good Enough

ADHDers are prone to perfectionism. This can cause all sorts of problems. One might never complete a project because one can never get it just right, or on the flip side, one might never start a project unless one is sure one will be able to do it exactly right. Both of these mindsets are toxic. Furthermore, perfectionism is time consuming. If one is constantly trying to get everything just right, one will never have time to do all of the things one needs to do. All of the problems surrounding perfectionism can be solved by embracing one simple idea: Good is good enough.

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Imagination: Friend or Foe?

Those of us with ADHD have vivid imaginations. We have a crazy amount of ideas and are prone to thinking differently. Our imaginations are powerful, but is this power good or bad? That is a question worth exploring. People believe Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison had ADHD. One of the reasons for this belief is that they were incredibly inventive. They thought outside of the box.

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Wisdom, Prayer, Spirituality, Advice, Tips Evelyn Gallagher Wisdom, Prayer, Spirituality, Advice, Tips Evelyn Gallagher

How Faith Leaders Can Support ADHDers

When a person struggles with hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention, and executive functions, they will struggle in their spiritual life. There are very little resources avail even addressing how to manage one’s spiritual life when one has ADHD. It has been my observation that very few, if any, faith leaders (priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, etc.) offer guidance on managing ADHD and one’s spiritual life. Therefore, I offer this challenge to faith leaders of all religious backgrounds: Research ADHD and how you can minister to those members of your flock who have ADHD.

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Information, Crime, Strategies, Advice, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Information, Crime, Strategies, Advice, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

The ADHD-Crime Connection

One of the saddest facts about ADHD is that it increase the likelihood a person will commit a crime. That is not to say that everyone with ADHD will become a criminal. Many people with ADHD do not commit crimes, but there is an increase likelihood of criminal behaviors in persons with ADHD.

There are several areas in which to examine a connection between crime and ADHD: How prevalent is crime among those with ADHD, why ADHDers are more prone to commit crimes than others, and how to prevent ADHDers from committing crimes.

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Advice, Encouragement, Positivity, Strategies, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Encouragement, Positivity, Strategies, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

Self-Awareness Leads to Self-Advocacy

Knowledge is power, and it is even more powerful when it is self-knowledge. One of the best things you can do to manage ADHD and improve your life is to know yourself better. Self-exploration is something everyone should do, regardless of whether they have ADHD or not. When you know yourself and your needs, you are better able to articulate what you need from others. This takes time, but it is well worth it.

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Tips, Advice, Strategies Evelyn Gallagher Tips, Advice, Strategies Evelyn Gallagher

How to Make a Decision When ADHD Makes Everything Enticing!

ADHD can make a person indecisive. Many things interest the ADHD brain, and ADHDers are constantly being distracted by something new and exciting. Moreover, when there are too many options from which to choose, ADHDers can get overwhelmed and become paralyzed. This can be frustrating, but here are some strategies that might help you break your pattern of indecision.

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Tips, Advice, Strategies, Sleep Evelyn Gallagher Tips, Advice, Strategies, Sleep Evelyn Gallagher

The Podcast That Puts Your ADHD Brain to Sleep

One of the best things you can do for your ADHD brain is to get plenty of sleep, yet many of us ADHDers struggle with getting to sleep. Even if you do stop doing that one more thing and get into your bed at a decent hour, there is a chance your brain will not shut down and go to sleep. It can be frustrating to stare at the clock for hours waiting for your brain to shut down. As it gets later, the pressure to fall asleep grows, and the pressure makes it harder to fall asleep. This can be one of the worst parts of having ADHD. For years, I struggled with falling asleep, only managing to fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time when I was extremely tired.

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